Monday, March 16, 2009

9/12 project

Being a Glenn Beck fan, I wanted to share this link to a website he launched on Friday.
The purpose is to unite Americans that believe in 9 principles and 12 values that our founding fathers did. It also alludes to the spirit in America on Sept. 12, 2001 when it didn't matter if you voted red or blue, but you were first and foremost a patriotic American.

Monday, March 2, 2009

An Unattended Toddler

Apparently it only takes an unattended toddler about 90 seconds to get into some serious mischief around our house! But note his amazing ability to balance both the salt and pepper shakers on top of the convex lid of the cereal container! So yeah, he did lose a little salt along the way...

Both my parents kindly reminded me of a similar picture of me doing the exact same thing at his age, only with cocoa powder. Kharma, you reap what you sow, what comes around goes around...  yadda, yadda.