At his 1 week appointment, I think we mentioned Henry crying to his pediatrician.
Now I know that there could be a million things really "wrong" with my baby, and do know that I am so thankful that this is a relatively "easy" fix... but I have to be honest, that moment, and the following few hours, that was my time to let the reality of what she had said to fully "sink in" and I'll admit, I was in a selfish, selfish state of mourning over what lie ahead.
Well, now I'm a good day into this whole MSPI thing (milk and soy protein intolerance), and I've had a shift in paradigm and attitude. I am so anxious to see drastic improvements in my son's health and disposition. It could take 72 hours to two weeks, but I think even after only 1 day, there has been progress. Praise the Lord!!! Also, my sweet husband is doing this along side me, for the most part anyways... so I'm very grateful for his support and interest in this new lifestyle. I'll probably lose a little weight, so that's a bonus. They are 99% sure that this is NOT an allergy, so Henry should outgrow it before he is one... or two at the latest. He likely will be able to get off Prevacid fairly soon, and I'll be grateful for him not to need medication. Those are just a few blessings, and I'm sure with each day, as I learn more and as I become more confident, I'll find even more! In the end, we are absolutely ecstatic that we have a diagnosis, are on the road to recovery, and in the big scheme, it is such an "easy" fix. What a blessing!
We first thought colic. Within that next week, we figured out it was all throughout the day, and it seemed to be mid and post nursing, so we thought Reflux. He started on Prevacid, taking it twice a day. I made an appointment with our fave ENT (shout out to Dr. Palmer!!) and learned he was a tiny bit tongue tied, but not worth clipping, so it wasn't a latch issue making him gassy. We noticed some relief as the Prevacid got in his system, but it certainly didn't solve our problems. About weeks 5 and 6 it got so bad and I began feeling extremely guilty that we hadn't yet resolved this issue. We met with a Speech Path last Friday, from Cook Children's and he passed the oral-motor eval with flying colors. She said it sounded like reflux and that we needed to see a GI doctor. Each additional day was agony.
We got in to see someone at GI on Thursday, and she did her examination, poking, prodding, listening, swabbing poop... you know, typical GI stuff. It didn't take too long for her to make a diagnosis. Sadly, one of my biggest fears was realized. His problem was difficulty digesting proteins in my milk, specifically dairy and soy. She told me I had a choice, I could either eliminate all soy and dairy from my diet, or there is a special formula that we could put him on, that he would be able to digest.
Now I know that there could be a million things really "wrong" with my baby, and do know that I am so thankful that this is a relatively "easy" fix... but I have to be honest, that moment, and the following few hours, that was my time to let the reality of what she had said to fully "sink in" and I'll admit, I was in a selfish, selfish state of mourning over what lie ahead.
Now if you know me at all, you know how I feel about food. And if you know me at all, you know how I feel about breast feeding. It isn't funny, or ironic, but
Oh how our God has a way of putting things in our path, to humble us and gives us opportunities to grow!
Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!! Now no one wants to think of themselves as judgmental... I certainly don't want to point the finger back at me, but lets just call a spade a spade, I felt like few women's stories or struggles of "difficulty breast feeding" could compare to what we went through with Pierce and his being tongue-tied, and if I could work through it (meaning I'm not tough whatsoever!!) than anyone can. I mean, it was beyond brutal that first month, or 6 weeks really, and I am far from tough- but I toughed it out, and oh how it was so richly rewarded!!! That truly is where my passion comes from, and I hate the thought of mom's missing out on such an amazing and unique experience that only they can share with their newborn! It saddens me on a couple of levels I suppose, but I digress....
So here I am, getting this news from the doctor, and in no uncertain terms do I realize that God has put me to the test. Give up one of my passions *yep, I just qualified EATING as a PASSION- LOL, alter my entire lifestyle, research, learn, be on guard with every bite that I take, and restaurants- well I haven't even begun to tackle that one, or do I go the route of formula? There really isn't a choice for me. If I've got a choice, then there is no choice (if that makes sense). It is the best thing for the baby, and as much as I love food, and love to eat, it doesn't matter. It's like being on a diet. Well, sort of, but on this diet, if I cheat, it's not that I won't fit into my skinny jeans, the reality is I am hurting my baby. Even an inadvertent slip up, it's still my responsibility, check every label, be so diligent at restaurants... the stakes are high, and it's all on my back to see this thing through. Beyond my being selfish, it's a scary thought to think of what's at stake- my baby's health, and it SOLEY relies on me!!!
Well, now I'm a good day into this whole MSPI thing (milk and soy protein intolerance), and I've had a shift in paradigm and attitude. I am so anxious to see drastic improvements in my son's health and disposition. It could take 72 hours to two weeks, but I think even after only 1 day, there has been progress. Praise the Lord!!! Also, my sweet husband is doing this along side me, for the most part anyways... so I'm very grateful for his support and interest in this new lifestyle. I'll probably lose a little weight, so that's a bonus. They are 99% sure that this is NOT an allergy, so Henry should outgrow it before he is one... or two at the latest. He likely will be able to get off Prevacid fairly soon, and I'll be grateful for him not to need medication. Those are just a few blessings, and I'm sure with each day, as I learn more and as I become more confident, I'll find even more! In the end, we are absolutely ecstatic that we have a diagnosis, are on the road to recovery, and in the big scheme, it is such an "easy" fix. What a blessing!