Monday, June 30, 2008


The purpose of this post is to update on Jana. I'm hoping to keep everyone updated on her condition and recovery.

Saturday night, Jana was a bridesmaid in her friend Kelly's wedding. During the ceremony, she was feeling ill (sweating and nauseated) and left to go to the bathroom. She was vomiting and had an excruciating headache. Her mom Aneta and roommate Leah were at the wedding too, and quickly got her to the ER at Harris. Praise the lord that her mom was there to drive her as soon as it happened, and that they were so close to a good hospital.

She was treated immediately for blood on her brain (an intraventricle hemorrage). Jana was very fortunate that she got immediate medical care, and it was first thought that she had an aneurysm that had burst, which was causing the blood. After CAT scans, MRI and angiography dye test, they didn't find any weak spots in her vessels that would cause the bleeding (ie an aneurysm). It is being classified as a stroke, though that is really a "catch all" term being used until they can more accurately diagnose her condition.

The least invasive treatment they could (and have done) is insert a catheter into her head to drain the blood. This process will take about a week, at which time she will be reevaluated to determine it's effectiveness. Should this not work, a shunt may later need to be inserted.

Jana is able to have visitors. She is conscious and generally able to briefly enjoy company, though at times she gets confused on dates and events. She has had a steady stream of support from family, their church friends, Mambrino teachers, parents of kids she has taught, and other friends and loved ones.

Please continue to lift up Jana and her family in your prayers, for a speedy and full recovery.

As of Monday, Jana is in room 3316 in the Bloxom Tower (Harris Downtown)

Visiting hours are 3am-6am, 9am-noon, 3pm-6 pm, and 9pm-midnight.

They allow 2 visitors at a time.

Jana's parents are Aneta and Bobby, cel 940-452-0675

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