Friday, October 23, 2009

Pierce's 2nd Birthday

Pierce turned 2 on September 7th, which fell on Labor Day this year. We celebrated by having an "All-American family picnic" at Pierce's Tutu and Pa's house. The weather was great for swimming, and we had a wonderful time celebrating! A few dear friends and family couldn't make it, but we certainly understood and missed them all.
The birthday boy, with watermelon mouth!
Front Gate- inspired by something similar I saw in a Chasing Fireflies catalog... last year, LOL. Fortunately I remembered to hang it up this time around!
Blowing out his "2" candle. His friend Jenna also was celebrating her 7th birthday that day, and we put a candle on her piece of cake too. Silly me didn't realize it was a "trick" candle that didn't blow out, so we had a good laugh with that one. She was such a good sport :)
Yummy Costco cake!
Dinner time
Silly Tutu and Jan trying on the hats that all the kids didn't find.
Testing out his scooter from Melissa
Grandmama getting some newborn snuggles from Henry

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