Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fri 7/11

Last night I was able to see Jana. They clamped off the catheter about 6pm on Thursday. She did ok that night, but around 6 the next morning her pain got progressively worse (as expected) because of the pressure. The good news is the pressure stabilized (rather then continue to build) even with it clamped, so that is very promising that her body is circulating the blood/ fluids as they had hoped. The CAT scan confirmed that. They were hoping the doctor would be back in late last night to give an update, but I left close to midnight and he hadn't come by. So unless something has changed, it's looking like she is not going to need the shunt. The doctor is still concerned about the risk of infection, so likely he will make a firm decision on surgery very soon. (And either take out the catheter or put in the shunt.) Last night she was mainly just bearing the pain, but did have moments of alertness and small conversation. The pressure while I was there was in the 'teens, but sometimes did climb to the low 20s. She's got thrush (yeast in her mouth I think) and being treated for that, but did manage to have a couple of bites at lunch, and one bite of cracker later w/ some milk. They were planning to do another CAT overnight to monitor progress. No word today yet, on those results. Keep those prayers coming... Jana and her family really appreciate them!

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