Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sun night 7/13

I got some details on this weekend's events. They ended up having to open up the catheter late Saturday night for a little bit, because the pressure did get too high again. Regardless, she was still doing a pretty good job of naturally recirculating the blood and fluids, and they took the catheter out around 2am Sat night/ Sunday morning. This morning they did another CAT scan and things looked good still. The doctor wanted her out of ICU, saying that staying there would increase the chances of pneumonia or blood clots. She's now in a private room in the Harris tower. They have reduced her pain meds. She's beginning to eat again. I saw her this evening and she looked GREAT. She had that sparkle in her eye, she was sitting up joking with visitors, and really just seemed like her "old self" again. Her next CAT scan is scheduled for Tuesday. We don't know the timeline or plan of action for recovery yet.
Visiting hours are anytime now (I think) in her new room, though she will probably need lots of rest to heal.
Thanks for your prayers. They are working!


The 4 Cote's said...

Hi Anne,
Wanted to let you know Michael and I were up there Sunday afternoon and it was amazing how good Jana looked. Just in the two days since I had seen her there was a great improvement. She was eating and enjoying something other than yogurt! They were packing up to go to her "upgraded private room" - we joked about having a potty that might actually have a door to it and not come out of a cabinet! It was certainly an uplifting visit. She was very excited about being to able to take ahower last night -I hope she enjoyed it.
Thanks for updating everyone with this blog - it's nice on the days I can't get there to see her.

Crystal Cote

Anne said...

You are so welcome, Crystal! Thanks for the update.